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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This Week // Blue Apron

Let the unboxing begin!

Mimi is looking very excited about these entree recipes.

The top layer is filled with vegetables and fruit!

The cod, pork medallions, and chicken breasts are hiding down below.

Kaitlyn and I picnicked in Drexel Park.

This morning I received my first ever delivery from Blue Apron! If you haven't heard of them before, Blue Apron delivers a box to your doorstep once a week which includes all of the ingredients you need to make three wholesome meals for two or more people, depending on your preference. These recipes change weekly, which is great for those desperate to practice their culinary skills, and are designed to save time and reduce waste. A vegetarian option is also available. Today, I opted to try to the cod entree for lunch with my friend Kaitlyn. I can't believe it only took me 20 minutes to prepare and cook. We both loved it! I am so excited to try the other two dishes later this week. Learn more about Blue Apron here.

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