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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park

So many things!

Polar bear booty

Tufted Capuchin

Lorikeets love nectar

Señor León


I can't believe my trip to San Diego has already come and passed! There was lots of sightseeing, of course, but I managed to squeeze in some beach time too. Two of the biggest highlights of my vacation by far were my day trips to the San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park. The Safari Park is great for parents of young children who want to get their kids excited about animals and conservation since the animals are easy to see. However, the thrill of spotting animals in their natural habitat can not be replicated. I spent long afternoons in each but I could definitely see myself making many more return visits. I took too many pictures of all the animals so I'm only posting a few here. The rest you can find on my Flickr.

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